B.Arts(IntDes)(Hons) RMIT, PGDip.ArchBldgP (ArchHist&Cons) Melb, M.Arch Melb, PhD LTU
Katrina Place Dernelley
Principal Regional Heritage | Specialist Historic Interiors
After first working at RBA in 2000, Katrina has returned to open our Central Victorian office. In between, she continued to hone her trade at Lovell Chen, Context and Heritage Victoria, while raising twins and dipping in and out of academia for “just one more” degree.
With expertise in heritage and historic interiors and a passion for writing nuanced, inclusive Australian histories, Katrina contributes across heritage and architecture and conservation teams. Driven by a core belief that heritage is best paired with lunch, Katrina champions the makers, artisans and craftspeople that live in her hometown of Castlemaine and Central Victoria more broadly. Please join her!