The cultural significance or ‘the story’ of a heritage place is not always legible in its physical manifestation as it stands – especially where the modern context has been substantially altered.
Interpretative devices can provide insightful cues to assist visitors to make sense of a place and foster an enriched understanding and appreciation of its heritage values.
Interpretation can also be used in instances where the heritage values are intangible or to commemorate a place that no longer exists.

Whilst the presentation of the heritage place itself is the most effective way to demonstrate its cultural significance/heritage values, this often needs to be supplemented. RBA are expert at distilling and making sense of heritage values.
The heritage values of a place, site or building can be communicated in many ways. At a basic level, supplementary interpretation takes the form of signage with text and images. However, there are an arsenal of tools which can be used to enhance the legibility of a heritage place and make its experince more meaningful.
Such tools may include - artwork, landscaping, graphic displays, guided tours, interactive installations, QR and VR digital technologies. RBA work in-house and with external collaborators to curate engaging and culturally appropriate interpreration solutions.
RBA are members of Interpretation Australia.