Scottish House
Wurundjeri Country
Melbourne VIC, Australia
The Australian Club
State Significance
VHR H0606
Services Provided
Building Conditions Assessment, Conservation Works, Conservation Management Plans
2007 AIA Victorian Architecture Awards | John George Knight Heritage Award
“The restoration and conservation work completed by RBA Architects will ensure that Scottish House will continue to form an intrinsic part of the historic streetscape of William Street in the centre of Melbourne.”

Scottish House was designed in 1907 by eminent architect Charles D’Ebro, as head office for prominent mercantile agents and shipowners McIlwraith, McEacharn + Co. The Australian Club purchased this state heritage-listed property in c.2000 and RBA were initially engaged to prepare a Conservation Management Plan, then undertake a master planning exercise to determine the most suitable future use for the building.
In 2005, RBA assessed the condition of the Pyrmont sandstone façade, to which some limited repair works had been undertaken in the 1980s. A detailed assessment was undertaken (using a twin rope access method) which involved recording the condition of each stone and preparing detailed drawings and repair schedules.
With the assistance of a materials scientist, Jim Mann, RBA determined the various modes of decay and devised sustainable repair methods, adopting the established Burra Charter principle of doing as much as necessary, but as little as possible. New replacement stone was treated with a colouration accelerant to develop a homogeneous colour early on – blending new with old to avoid the checkerboard effect that often results when stonework is repaired.