Church of Christ
Wurundjeri Country
Melbourne VIC, Australia
Cross Culture Church of Christ
State Significance
VHR H0455
Services Provided
Conservation Management Plans, Heritage Advice, Permit Compliance
RBA were initially engaged as conservation architects to provide conservation advice during the construction of a new mezzanine and lift within the Church of Christ building.

Constructed in 1863, the building has gone through a series of alterations in its lifetime, the latest being the addition of a mezzanine level and upgrades to access from Swanston Street - the main entrance to the Church.
Subsequent to our intitial engagement, RBA also provided heritage advice to the client and design architects Buro on methods to minimise the heritage impact of future design changes. We also liaisoned with Heritage Victoria and provided advice on Heritage Permit amendments.
The completed works were the final stage in a series of upgrades to the church building, catering for the growing congregation and their changing way of worship.